Monday, October 15, 2012

Lady Like: Do or Don't

Hi everyone! I'm so sorry I haven't been posting on a regular schedule! I have been really focused on school and having a social life considering the amount of my homework. I love school and all of the new friends I met this year. I have found so many people that love the same things like nail polish and country music lol. I really would love to get back to a regular schedule but you have to understand that I do have more homework on some nights more then others. But enough about my life! On to the reason everyone came here to see. Today I decided to put on essie in Lady Like. I know this was a limited edition color from last year and I think it was from the Fall 2011 collection but I'm not sure. There are websites that you can use to get them still plus they are only $4.49 or so which makes it even better. They are real essies just to let you know! Now on to the pictures!

I can't decided what color this is. Sometimes this looks like a true nude and some times it looks like a pink-y mauve color. I didn't really like it when I first started applying it but now I really enjoy it! If you have this color you are a lucky one because it could come in handy with many things!  This only took 2 coats which is a major plus!

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