Sunday, September 23, 2012

Awesome Spoiled!

OMG! Hey guys! Today I am super excited!!! This color that I have on my nails is gorgeous! It is super super pretty!!! I don't even know how to start to describe it! The base color is a super dark green. Then there is sparkles in it that look green when you apply it but when different lights hit it it can change to purple, or blue. In natural light it is just green. I was a little bit upset that there wasn't as much sparkle on the nail then in the bottle! It is still super pretty but in the bottle it just looks better. This color is called The Parking Meteor Expired. This took one thick coat because I was in a rush to leave the house and I do not wear plain nails outside of the house because they look really bad! Ok well I am done talking. I talked a lot more then usual:) Now on to pictures.

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